Happy 13th Birthday Touch of Health!
When we started this journey 13 years ago we had no idea where it would take us. Katrina and I met at a previous chiropractic office and when we met there was an instant connection. We would have mid-day walks at work where we started talking about opening up our own office. A place that would be comfortable, inviting, and bridge different healing modalities. I'll admit I (Melissa) was more reluctant, if you know me you know I'm a slow mover, but Katrina was passionate enough for the both of us ...lol.
When we opened Touch of Health Atlanta we literally had nothing . But, we were able to pull together furniture from various places , added plants, and our vision began to take shape. Touch of Health is more than chiropractic and massage, it's a community built on creating healthier lives and connection.
So much has happened between then and now, resulting in our extraordinary community. There is absolutely no way we would be here today if it weren't for the various amounts of patients, friends, family and practitioners that have come into our lives. We are grateful for you and your part in keeping us inspired and motivated.